Detox Diet For Beautiful Skin

Detox Diet For Beautiful Skin
Detox Diet For Beautiful Skin

When it comes to for detoxification, we automatically think about the body and health, but the skin can also benefit a lot from this cleansing.

Eliminating toxins has a number of benefits - from weight loss, easier treatment of serious diseases to solving problems such as infertility. The appearance of the skin is not neglected. You can get rid of toxins more easily through nutrition, which is an important factor, but also through pleasant activities, beauty treatments, visits to wellness centers, which you do not even suspect have anything to do with detoxification.

Source of toxins

If fast food, sausages, fats, processed foods and many preservatives are already on the list of foods that bring toxins into the body, other, equally important reasons are: insufficient water consumption, sedentary lifestyle and negative thoughts. Fortunately, we can deal with these problems through a special detoxification regimen.

Detox diet for beautiful skin

In the morning we consume smoothies, but only with one type of fruit, then water. At lunch we take fruit or vegetable juice, then eat a salad with light animal protein (milk). Until the evening meal we drink only water, and the dinner consists of vegetable juice and a salad with vegetable protein containing fiber. In this species detox diet are consumed mainly vegetables (salads, vegetables, legumes and other fruits, seeds, nuts) and in small quantities of animal foods.

Detox with smoothies
Detox with smoothies

Principles that you need a detox diet

You do not remember certain things and there is a lack of motivation in your actions. The overloaded system of toxins has difficulty functioning and you often experience fatigue, muscle and joint pain.

Another side effect of toxins is the emission of body odor and bad breath. We usually eliminate most toxins by urinating and defecating, but when the body is full of toxins, they are released further through the skin, causing bad body odor.
