Overeating With Jam Produces Criminals

Overeating With Jam Produces Criminals
Overeating With Jam Produces Criminals

Every parent stuffs their child with candy and chocolate to calm him down or just make him happy. But this sweet reassurance is often the cause of terrible consequences, warn British scientists.

According to a new study, children who overindulge in sweets are at great risk - when they grow up, they can become criminals.

Researchers have studied the reasons that drive teenagers to commit crimes. As a result of experiments and analyzes, it became clear that the most horrible children have a nightmarish diet.

In some cases, juvenile delinquents admitted that their parents allowed them to have breakfast with a piece of cake and a fizzy drink. Scientists were very intrigued by this and studied 17,000 people born in the same week in 1970.


After analyzing the diet of all participants in the experiment, the researchers came to the following conclusion: more than 60 percent of people who committed crimes before the age of 30 admitted that in childhood they overeat with sweets.

Specialists could not believe that there was such a connection, so they repeated the analysis, including a study of social status and social environment. The results were the same.

Regardless of the environment and other factors that affect lifestyle - family finances, upbringing, education, excessive use of sweets in childhood predicts a tendency to violence.

Scientists face a number of questions, one of which is whether sweets do not contain any compounds that trigger antisocial and aggressive behavior.

According to research by scientists, if a person takes a sufficient amount of vitamins and his diet is balanced, he very rarely violates the norms of social behavior.
