The Difference Between Jam, Marmalade And Jam

The Difference Between Jam, Marmalade And Jam
The Difference Between Jam, Marmalade And Jam

Jam, marmalade and jam are similar in that they are all a kind of sweet winter food made from fruits and sugar.

But although all three types - jam, marmalade and jam - are canned, they have significant differences.

Cornflower jam
Cornflower jam

Therefore, both their type and method of preparation and consistency differ significantly.


Jam is a fruit - whole or cut into pieces, which float in a very thick sweet syrup.


The best fruits are used for it, the rest are used for making jam and marmalade.

To make jam, the fruit is well cleaned from the stalks and leaves, if necessary, peeled or washed very well under running water.

When washing, the fruit itself should be in a colander so that it does not wrinkle in the case of strawberries, raspberries or other tender fruits.

The fruit is then cut into smaller pieces, if necessary, and placed in a deep bowl, covered with granulated sugar.

Leave for 2 to 4 hours until the sugar is colored by the fruit juice, and then simmer, stirring occasionally.

Once a drop of syrup, poured on a plate, is thick and does not spill much, the jam is ready.

Distribute hot in clean dry jars, close with caps and invert.

The jam is made on the same principle, but the fruit for it may not be of the highest quality, as it is ground or cut into very small pieces.

If they are soft enough, they can simply be crumpled.

Cover with sugar, leave for a few hours and cook, adding to the jam a gelling spice that can be found in stores.

Once the jam is ready, it is a delicious, thick, jelly-like mixture in which very small pieces of fruit can be seen.

The marmalade is made by boiling the washed and sliced fruit and rubbing it through a colander or mashing it to make it smooth like a fine puree.

Then boil with sugar until they get the density of lyutenitsa. They are distributed in jars, which are closed and turned over.
