Chew Slowly To Lose Weight Fast

Chew Slowly To Lose Weight Fast
Chew Slowly To Lose Weight Fast

The secret to losing weight is not in the diet, but in the long chewing, confirmed Chinese scientists from the University of Harbin.

The key to losing weight is not so much a change in diet and calorie restriction, but the way you chew food.

According to scientists, long and careful chewing helps women eat less than usual, providing a feeling of satiety faster.

During their experiment, the researchers observed a group of 14 participants with normal weight and 16 with more rounded shapes. The average age of all volunteers varied between 18 and 28 years.

Each girl had to eat a piece of cake while a device calculated how long she chewed the food. The results show that when you chew each bite 40 times, you eat 12% less than those who chew only 15 times.

According to scientists, a slower diet gives the brain more time to receive signals from the stomach that it is already full. This way you will avoid overeating and you will learn to control hunger and appetite.


On the other hand, the slower you eat, the more the hunger hormone ghrelin decreases.

There are two types of satiety - mechanical by filling the stomach and true saturation, which occurs when digested foods enter the bloodstream and then the brain.

Those who eat very quickly can only rely on mechanical satiety and stretching the stomach to satisfy their hunger. This often happens with huge amounts, which explain the bloating, drowsiness, conditions indicating overeating.

Those who eat slowly and chew for a long time, the calories reach the brain and cause satiety. These people get full in the middle of a meal and may even refuse to continue or dessert.

This is also very important, not only for weight loss, but also for those who want to keep their weight off.
