Fast Food Kills Our Brains Slowly

Fast Food Kills Our Brains Slowly
Fast Food Kills Our Brains Slowly

Fast food tops the list of the most unhealthy foods. A new study conducted at the University of the Australian state of South Wales proves another damage that this food causes, namely - negatively affects the work of the brain.

During the study, rats were subjected to extensive observations, to which only fast food was given for one week. Inflammation of the hippocampus, an area of the brain associated with spatial memory, was observed in all. The memory of fat- and sugar-fed rats also deteriorated sharply.

For the same period of time, another group of rodents was kept on a slightly healthier diet, but was consumed with drinks high in sugar. They again showed a deterioration in cognitive abilities.

It has also been established that this process is irreversible. Even after switching to a healthy diet, the rat brain could not regain its full capacity.

Scientists are adamant that fast food affects people in the same way. Until now, almost nothing was known about this negative effect of this type of food on the brain. All that was known was the damage it did to the body. The frightening thing is that this destructive effect of fast food was very fast.

Eating a Burger
Eating a Burger

When a person eats fast food, it leads to certain changes. Junk food changes certain chemicals in the brain, leading to symptoms of depression and anxiety. These fast foods affect the production of dopamine - an important chemical responsible for the feeling of happiness and the overall feeling of well-being.

In addition, dopamine supports cognitive function, learning opportunities, alertness, motivation and memory. And when you eat foods that interfere with its production, those functions that interfere with it.

Other foods that slowly kill the human brain include sugary foods, fried and processed foods, salty foods, pasta, processed protein foods and those with trans fats, and foods with sweeteners.
