Three-day Fruit Diet

Three-day Fruit Diet
Three-day Fruit Diet

Whenever it comes to diets, fruits are an integral part. This is absolutely natural, because, in addition to being nutritious and filling, they provoke the body to get rid of unnecessary things and work at full speed.

This is done on the principle of detoxification. Toxins are stored in the main organs, which is why detoxification helps them the most. The affected liver and stomach are cleansed, and you feel lighter and charged with more energy.

In tune with the summer comes the three-day fruit diet. Tired of the heat, everyone wants to eat something light and refreshing, such as the favorites of young and old fruits.

Citrus fruits
Citrus fruits

This diet allows you to lose up to four pounds of weight in just three days. The diet includes five types of fruit listed in the sample menu.

Sample menu

Day 1 - Whey protein is consumed on the first day. It is drunk every two hours, from 8 am to 6 pm. Dinner is served at 6 pm, and the menu consists of a salad with 4 cups of raw vegetables, 150 g of tender chicken and 1 tbsp. olive oil.

Fruit Diet
Fruit Diet

Day 2 and 3 - In the following days of the diet every two hours from 8 am to 6 pm fruits are consumed - two cups of melon at 8 am, two cups of strawberries at 10 am, a medium banana at 12 noon, two medium apples in 2 pm and a large mango at 6 pm Dinner at 6 pm, the menu consists of 6 cups of raw vegetable salad with half an avocado and a protein drink.

In order to achieve the desired weight loss, the sample menu must be strictly followed, and breakfasts must not be missed. A day should drink at least 1, 5 liters of water and fluids.

Flavored drinks, tea and coffee are strictly forbidden. If you have a certain health problem with the stomach, consult a specialist before starting the diet.

No exercise is done during the three-day diet. It is good to avoid any physical activity.

After the detoxifying fruit diet, in addition to losing extra pounds, you will also receive unexpected benefits. You will feel better physically and mentally, and this will inevitably lead to a change in your lifestyle, as well as a conscious desire to eliminate bad and harmful foods and habits.
