Cyclical Hunger Cures Every Disease

Cyclical Hunger Cures Every Disease
Cyclical Hunger Cures Every Disease

The solution to all problems lies in ourselves. Cyclical hunger is the thing that can keep the immune system alive. It turns out that even the most terrible and incurable diseases can be cured with a simple diet.

Evidence of the benefits of starvation is the work of researchers at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. According to them, a periodic and prolonged fasting for between two and four days is able to fight all the damage to the immune system. In addition, it stimulates cell regeneration. This is most noticeable in patients with a weak and impaired immune system.

The scientists came to the conclusions after years of observation of mice and humans placed under complete starvation. It was found that when these mammals starve, their white blood cell count decreases.

This leads to the recycling of old immune cells, which in turn stimulates the production of new ones that take their place. Thus, the body gets rid of immune cells, which wear out and stop functioning normally, at the expense of new and full of energy.

To date, medicine has not found a method to deal with immune deficiency. The only procedure that registered a breakthrough was with stem cells. This makes the new discovery sensational - periodic cycles of fasting activate a regenerative key in the body, changing the signaling pathways for hematopoietic stem cells. They are the ones that generate blood and immunity.

So far no one was able to send in the perfect solution, which is not strange starvation may have a similar remarkable effect in stimulating hematopoietic stem cell-based regeneration. However, this is a fact. When we do not eat, the body tries to save energy.

One way to achieve this is to recycle many of the immune cells that are no longer needed. It focuses mostly on worn and damaged ones. At the same time, the number of white blood cells decreases, but recovers rapidly once the individual begins to eat again.

Cyclical hunger
Cyclical hunger

Except for cell regeneration periodic fasting helps and to restore autoimmune disorders. These include those caused by such controversial vaccines. Fasting is practically able to deal with diseases that medicine has declared incurable. Definitely the best idea for a body damaged by chemotherapy or aging.

Prolonged fasting forces the body to use up its stores of glucose, fat and ketones, as well as much of the available white blood cells. Thus, in practice, this acts as a detoxification.

The result is the formation of an entirely new immune system that is healthy in the first place. In addition, the new cells are young, which stops the aging process.

So, if you want to be healthy, it is best to get acquainted with the long hunger cycles.
