Nutrition In Bazeda's Disease

Nutrition In Bazeda's Disease
Nutrition In Bazeda's Disease

Basal disease is characterized by excessive production of thyroid hormones due to the increase in the size of this organ.

This disease often attacks people who have a hereditary predisposition. The disease increases energy expenditure and metabolism.

As a result, the body quickly loses its reserve of carbohydrates, potassium, phosphorus, adipose tissue, calcium and other necessary components.

The body has a great need for vitamins. Even if the patient's appetite increases, he continues to lose weight sharply. The early symptoms of the underlying disease are unexplained irritability, shortness of breath, palpitations, rapid heartbeat.

Patients lose weight quickly, are nervous, easily offended, often cry, their eyes shine like a fever, their eyes slightly pop out of their sockets.

Nutrition in Bazeda's disease
Nutrition in Bazeda's disease

The diet of patients with basal disease should be concentrated, as their total body weight decreases sharply. They should eat so that the calorie intake is about 4000 per day.

Nutritionists recommend eating sea fish, dairy products, liver, seafood, fruits and vegetables.

As the central nervous system is excessively irritable in the underlying disease, the patient should give up strong meat and fish broths, coffee, strong black tea and alcohol, at least for a while.

Meat can only be eaten stewed or cooked. Meals are five times a day. If there are no additional contraindications, you can consume liquids in unlimited quantities.

There must be enough iodine in the body to fight the disease. It is provided by sea fish and seafood.

Very useful in basic disease are decoctions of dried fruits and rose hips, green tea, kefir. Of the vegetables, turnips and various types of cabbage are not recommended.
