Cheese And Meat Are As Harmful To Us As Smoking

Cheese And Meat Are As Harmful To Us As Smoking
Cheese And Meat Are As Harmful To Us As Smoking

Consumption of meat and cheese in middle age is just as harmful as smoking cigarettes, according to information published in the British Daily Mail. The researchers conducted the study with the help of thousands of men and women - all over the age of 50.

The results show that those who ate mainly animal proteins had twice the risk of death than those who ate small amounts of those proteins.

According to scientists, these people are 4 times more likely to develop cancer, and this can be equated with the danger in smokers.

Experts who have done the research claim that the proteins in animal products actually nourish the tumors and help the cells in the body to age faster.

According to them, it is good for people over 50 to limit the intake of such products - scientists remind that proteins can be obtained from legumes and fish.


The restriction on animal products should continue until the age of 65, scientists reassure. Animal protein should then be taken, even recommended.

According to American scientists, people between the ages of 50 and 65 and weighing about 57 kg should limit their protein intake to 45 g per day, which is more or less the protein in two pork chops.

British experts do not accept this study - according to them, to prevent a disease such as cancer, we must maintain a healthy weight, exercise, avoid smoking and drink moderate amounts of alcohol.

Data from the US Health Institution show that a high-protein diet, in which at least 1/5 of the calories come from protein, is closely linked to early mortality. According to experts, even a moderate amount of protein (ie between 10% - 19% of calories) is also dangerous.

Those who follow a high-protein diet are three times more likely to die of cancer than people who consume a normal amount of protein.

According to scientists, the average Briton gets 15 percent of calories from protein and thus falls into the risk category. Consumption of plant proteins is recommended - they have no connection with fats or carbohydrates in the diet, in addition, they are useful.
