Cheese Fights Cancer?

Cheese Fights Cancer?
Cheese Fights Cancer?

Cheese can be a weapon against the insidious disease of cancer. The protein found in it has the ability to kill cancer cells.

Niazine - this is the protein that is released by lactobacilli during milk fermentation and cheese ripening.

Researchers at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, USA, have found that it has the unique ability to kill cancer-causing cells.

Scientists have studied the effects of various substances in food and living organisms on cancer cells that are resistant to all methods of fighting malignant tumors, including chemotherapy. Niazine, a protein in the lactic acid bacteria Lactococcus lactis, has been shown to be excellent.

Dairy products
Dairy products

In the experiment, the researchers gave the experimental mice a cocktail with 25-30 times more niazine than in regular cheeses, for a period of 9 weeks.

At the end of the experiment, up to 80% of the tumors disappeared completely. This significantly extended their lifespan.

Further experiments have shown that niazine fights both cancer and pathogenic bacteria, which have become invulnerable to antibiotics in recent years. This makes it virtually the most powerful weapon against disease ever.

The healing effect of niazine on humans is yet to be tested to prove 100% that cheese can save you from cancer.
