Sauerkraut Fights Colon Cancer

Sauerkraut Fights Colon Cancer
Sauerkraut Fights Colon Cancer

With the approach of Christmas and New Year, salads and dishes with sauerkraut are a constant companion on our table. This delicacy is a real treasure trove of useful vitamins and substances that are a balm for our stomach and a strong ally in the fight against colon cancer.

In fact, sauerkraut is not a Bulgarian or even a Balkan patent. Sauerkraut was discovered by the Chinese and is especially revered in their cuisine. The sour delicacy is a product of fermentation caused by lactic acid bacteria. These bacteria attack the carbohydrates of cabbage, breaking them down into lactic and acetic acid and helping the cabbage to survive for a long time.

It is known that lactic acid bacteria have a positive effect on the human body. They activate the immune system, and thus help the body fight tumors.

Lactic acid bacteria prevent intestinal enzymes from metabolizing safe precancers into dangerous carcinogens.

Studies show that some strains of lactic acid bacteria are even able to absorb nitrite and process it so that nitrosamine cannot be formed from it.


Regular consumption of sauerkraut is an extremely effective protection against colon cancer. Sauerkraut reduces the conversion of primary galenic acids into secondary ones, which are known to be strong tumor stimulators.

Sauerkraut is a faithful helper in the fight against digestive problems. The lactic acid bacteria contained in it have a beneficial effect on the intestinal flora and inhibit the growth and development of pathogenic microbes.

A simple recipe that will put an end to your digestive problems - for 2-3 weeks consume 200 g of sauerkraut daily, and be sure to chew it well.

Sarmi with sauerkraut
Sarmi with sauerkraut

Did we tell you that sauerkraut is a real vitamin treasure? It is extremely rich in vitamin B12, which is usually lacking in plant products.

Vitamin B12 stimulates the nervous system, accelerates iron metabolism, is responsible for the structure of red blood cells and the supply of oxygen to cells. This vitamin supports cell growth, bone building, fat processing and muscle activity, especially of the heart muscle.

Sauerkraut is also very rich in vitamin B6, which is critical for protein processing. This unique product is also rich in niacin, which contributes to the well-tuned cellular energy by maintaining overall and brain metabolism.

The winter delicacy is quite rich in minerals, incl. potassium, which has a pronounced dehydrating and deoxidizing effect. Cabbage is also rich in iron, a kitten involved in the process of blood formation and cellular respiration, and magnesium, which plays an important role in muscle strength and heart function.
