Is Vegetable Cheese Useful?

Is Vegetable Cheese Useful?
Is Vegetable Cheese Useful?

It has recently spread in some blogs of vegan followers that vegetable cheese can be just as harmful to nature as what they believe is the real milk.

Vegetable cheeses contain mainly soy milk and oil (palm), which makes them more or less, depending on their consumption, harmful to health. This, according to some vegans, does not prevent manufacturers from trying to cover it up with advertising media.

Popular vegetable cheese on the western market is offered only with the following list of advantages: “100% without milk; gluten free; soy-based alternative to milk cheese”.

A more detailed analysis of its contents looks like this: organic soy milk (purified water and soy), maltodextrin, soybean oil, palm oil, sea salt, carrageenan, vegan natural spices, lactic acid extracted from wheat, natural colorant.

Some of these ingredients are not so widely known. Maltodextrin, for example, is a polysaccharide that can be derived from starch. It is usually extracted from wheat or corn starch. It has a slightly sweet taste and is almost odorless. Food supplement - sweetener for carbonated drinks, chips, candies and much more. It is not recommended for people with gluten intolerance.


Carrageenan is another interesting concept. Behind it is actually a linearly sulfated polysaccharide with a flexible molecule. It is used as a thickening and stabilizing agent. In desserts, ice cream and sauces are added to increase stickiness.

However, palm oil and soybean are the ingredients that provoke discussions among vegans, not only because orangutans are driven out of their natural habitat during the cultivation of the oil palm, but also because of the not very proven healthy effects on the body of these two fats.

In 100 ml. soybean oil contains a total of 100 g of fat, 16 g of saturated fat, monounsaturated fat - 23 g, polyunsaturated - 58 g. Daily fat intake should not exceed 35% of daily calories consumed.

Saturated fat is good at only 7%. They help increase bad cholesterol in the blood, unlike monounsaturated and polyunsaturated, which are found more in olive oil and sunflower oil.

Palm oil has worse saturated versus unsaturated fats than soybean oil. Nearly 44.3% is the content of saturated fat in 100 grams of the product. Just for comparison, sunflower oil has only 10% of such fats for the same amount, peanut oil - 17%, and lard - 39%.

It is difficult to say which food is only harmful and whether we can limit it. Ingredients that are not considered particularly useful in most products are simply part of the modern food industry and it is not possible to have a diet completely isolated from their consumption.
