Kiwi Melts Fat

Kiwi Melts Fat
Kiwi Melts Fat

Kiwi is one of the most useful fruits in the fight against disease. Kiwi is even more useful than oranges, grapefruits, tangerines and apples in terms of polyphenol content.

The richest in these antioxidants is the golden kiwi, followed by the green kiwi variety. Kiwi prevents the development of diseases caused by oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress is caused by molecules produced naturally by the body. Damage from it is associated with diseases such as atherosclerosis, heart failure, Alzheimer's, cancer, Parkinson's.

Kiwi is very rich in vitamins A, B, C, mineral salts and more. One kiwi a day covers the required dose of vitamin C. If you do not know, it strengthens the immune system, blood vessels, increases the body's resistance to various infections, helps us fight stress.

Fresh from Kiwi
Fresh from Kiwi

Kiwi is rich in manganese, potassium, cellulose and can normalize cholesterol. The exotic fruit has the ability to melt fat, blocking the arteries, reducing the risk of blood clots. Such a fruit is the kiwi.

It appeared in the middle of the 19th century in New Zealand as a result of the cultivation of the Chinese liana. For a long time, the islanders grew kiwis only in their backyards and gardens. American soldiers brought the seeds of the hairy fruit to their homeland, and then he conquered Europe.

The Chinese liana became world famous and received the name kiwi, named after the kiwi bird that inhabits New Zealand. Today, the kiwi is also grown in California, western France and Israel.

The kiwi is considered ripe when softly pressed with the fingers.
