Full Of Hair Sausage Is Sold In Our Stores

Full Of Hair Sausage Is Sold In Our Stores
Full Of Hair Sausage Is Sold In Our Stores

An outraged viewer of Nova TV complained that these days he bought sausage, in which he found a piece of pig skin full of visible thick white hair.

The shocked spectator shared that he bought the delicacy from a commercial site, taking nearly one kilogram of sausage.

In the section My news, the scalded client shares that after crossing the threshold of his home, he decided to treat his domestic cat with the purchased sausage. He cut a piece of it and was unpleasantly surprised to see the protruding hairs.

I would have put this thing in my mouth if it wasn't for the cat. - says the client

He immediately complained to the store where he bought the hairy goods, and from there the manager offered him compensation and promised to collect the entire suspicious batch of sausages.

However, the client refused the compensation and wished to share the unpleasant incident with more people, which is why he turned to the media.

The viewer says that he will insist that the producer himself take the blame because he believes that he is accumulating money by selling unfit food to people. The client called on more people to alert about food irregularities in order to stop the vicious practice.

Pizza slice
Pizza slice

For now, the ill-fated sausage is kept in the consumer's refrigerator and is ready to be inspected by the responsible institutions.

The My News section of Nova has recently been flooded with signals from consumers who have come across shocking finds in their food.

A woman from Varna posted a photo of a pizza in which she found a huge cockroach. The client says that she bought the pizza from a bakery located near UMHAT St. Marina in the city.

The woman from Varna started eating the piece as she walked to the bus, but when she looked at it, she was horrified to see that there was a roasted black cockroach in the sauce.

The angry client returned to the bakery and wanted to talk to the manager. But the saleswoman at the store did not agree and refused to contact the manager with the client.

The woman from the store even accused the woman from Varna of putting the cockroach in her pizza to accuse the bakery.
