Culinary Secrets In Cooking Meat

Culinary Secrets In Cooking Meat
Culinary Secrets In Cooking Meat

To find out if the meat is of high quality, press it with your finger. If the hole immediately regains its shape, it means that the meat is fresh and of high quality.

To thaw frozen meat, put it in a saucepan and leave at normal room temperature. Do not leave it in too hot a place and do not flood it with water.

Wash the meat with water at a temperature of thirty degrees. The meat and bones for soup are placed only in cold water and left to boil over high heat. Then remove the foam and reduce the heat.

Never salt the meat before cooking, as this causes premature separation of the meat juice, which spoils its taste.

When you want to cook meat, do not cut it into small pieces. The cooked large piece of meat is much tastier, if necessary, cut or chop it.

The meat will cook faster if you pre-hammer it with a wooden mallet. The smaller the piece of meat, poultry or game, the hotter the oven should be.

Roasted meat
Roasted meat

Store cooked meat, poultry, tongue with a little broth in which they were cooked. This will keep them juicy and fresh for a longer time. Before roasting the meat, remove the veins from it.

When roasting a whole piece of meat, make incisions at the edges. Fried meat loses its flavor when standing, so serve it immediately after frying.

When roasting or frying meat, do not cover it with a lid or place the pieces of meat too close together. The grilled meat is salted and seasoned as soon as it is removed from the grill.

The roasted meat is heated in a water bath in the oven. So it tastes like freshly baked. In order not to overcook the meat you are reheating, place it in the oven with a bowl of water.
