Should We Give Up Lamb At Easter?

Should We Give Up Lamb At Easter?
Should We Give Up Lamb At Easter?

With the coming of Easter, when lamb is traditionally prepared, vegetarians and carnivores again crossed swords on social networks and beyond. And this time the question of whether to eat meat provoked accusations and fierce disputes between the two sides, which gave her some food for thought. The case was commented by Uti Bachvarov and the vegan Joanna Karatsaneva, who has not put a crumb on her table for years.

According to a famous Bulgarian chef, there is no reason to give up eating lamb at Easter, because this ritual is part of a very old tradition typical of our country. At the same time, however, he expressed a positive attitude towards the Easter fast and stressed that through it one can at least a little break away from the consumer world in which we find ourselves.

I am not against vegetarians and vegans, but I believe that everyone should do what they like without harming the self-esteem and health of others. Life is very different and delicious, said the proverbial chef in the studio of Bulgaria in the morning.


According to Uti, anyone who decides to give up meat should make a fully informed choice and not go from one extreme to another, because it can harm themselves and their children. Bachvarov also believes that when a person adheres to a certain diet, he should not proclaim it constantly, because it burdens his loved ones and incurs their negative attitude.

The topic is also discussed by Joanna Karatsaneva, who, in addition to speaking out against the consumption of meat, also recalled the true meaning of the Easter fast.


We should not look at fasts only from their physical part. Through them, the goal is for a person to experience the sufferings of Christ and to be purified both in body and spirit, said Karatsaneva.
