Storage Of Parsley

Storage Of Parsley
Storage Of Parsley

Parsley is one of the most used green spices - it is used to season soups, dishes, salads, decorate hors d'oeuvres. Parsley adds a pleasant taste and aroma to any dish.

There are various ways to store parsley so that it can be used at any time as an addition to your favorite dishes. The most common method of storage is drying.

Before drying, the parsley is cleaned of yellowed, withered and rotten leaves. Then wash very well under plenty of running water.

Parsley is formed into bunches and hung to dry in a dry room, preferably where there is a current. Sun-drying parsley is not recommended.

When dried outside, it shatters from the sun's rays and loses its color. The readiness of dried parsley can be checked by touching with your fingers.


Properly dried parsley should be turned into small pieces when lightly squeezed. You can also dry parsley on a sieve or on clean paper.

Drying parsley is quick and easy in the oven. The spice is finely chopped and distributed in a pan. The oven temperature during the first three hours should be 40 degrees.

When the parsley withers, the temperature rises to 60 degrees and dries to a ready state. The dried parsley is then ground with a powder sieve and stored in opaque jars.

This way the parsley does not lose its color and aroma. Instead of drying parsley, you can freeze it. This is a very quick and convenient way to store green spices.

Wash the parsley well, chop finely, fill freezer bags and put to freeze. During the first two hours, the envelopes are removed several times and shaken to prevent them from sticking.
