What Is Nettle Good For?

What Is Nettle Good For?
What Is Nettle Good For?

The nettle is one of the most useful plants that nature has created. Natural healers often joke that if humanity were aware of its healing powers, they would not plant anything but nettles.

All parts of nettle have a beneficial effect on the human body - the root, stem and leaves.

See in what cases it is appropriate to drink a decoction of nettle, according to the recommendations of the world-famous healer Maria Treben.

Nettle tea
Nettle tea

Prolonged intake of the infusion from the plant strengthens the immune system and fights viral diseases and bacterial infections.

Decoction of nettle
Decoction of nettle

Nettle tea cures problems of the urinary system. It successfully copes with sand in the kidneys and bladder, as well as in urinary retention. In most cases, the manifestation of kidney disease is associated with external eczema and severe headaches.

The healing power of nettle is due to its blood purifying functions. It is important to know that taking a decoction of the plant reduces blood sugar. Apart from the urinary tract, nettle is also useful for the urinary system, as it regulates the work of the stomach well.

Nettle has also been shown to help with liver and bile problems, spleen disease (even tumors of the body). The plant "cleans" the mucus in the stomach and respiratory organs, stomach cramps and ulcers. Nettle has a great effect on the respiratory tract. The intake of tea from the medicinal plant also helps with lung problems.

Even if you do not suffer from the above problems, it is not superfluous to drink one or two cups of nettle tea every day. It has been found that it increases efficiency and concentration, eliminates fatigue and exhaustion. The same effect can be achieved by consuming fresh nettle. It is high in the vital element iron, which is responsible for performance and energy in the body. Dishes prepared with nettle donate have a rejuvenating effect.

Nettle infusion is recommended to drink without sugar. If desired, the tea can be mixed with a decoction of chamomile or mint.
