Vitamins Can Also Be Harmful

Vitamins Can Also Be Harmful
Vitamins Can Also Be Harmful

For several years now, there has been a real boom in the use of vitamins and minerals. They are taken in doses that exceed the recommended norm by 10 to as much as 100 times.

In this way, many people try to get rid of colds, obesity, cardiovascular and skin diseases, periodontitis and even cancer.

But gradually, research has shown that overuse of vitamins can be more dangerous to health than vitamin deficiencies.

The amount of vitamins that adults and children need to take depends on many factors, including age, gender, and health.

Vitamin C is considered a well-known antioxidant that saves cells from damage, but in combination with iron it becomes an oxidant, ie. in an element with opposite action.

The daily dose of beta carotene has not been determined, as it is included in the dosage of vitamin A. But in high doses it is able to cause yellowing of the skin. According to some experts, it is able to provoke a number of cancers.


Vitamin C is recommended in a minimum dose of 60 mg daily. When this threshold is exceeded, it begins to interact with, for example, some anti-cancer drugs.

The vitamin also interferes with the diagnosis of diseases of the colon. The recommended daily dose of vitamin E is 8 mg for women and 10 mg for men.

High doses in excess of 50 times the norm can cause bleeding in people taking blood thinners.

Vitamin B6 has a recommended dose of 1.6 mg for women and 2 mg for men. If the dose is exceeded, it damages the nerves. Excessive calcium intake causes constipation and kidney dysfunction.

Iron in a daily dose of more than 15 mg for women and 10 mg for men increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Zinc in excess of 12 mg for women and 10 mg for men can irritate the stomach and weaken the immune system.
