Red Meat Is Not Harmful, But Useful

Red Meat Is Not Harmful, But Useful
Red Meat Is Not Harmful, But Useful

After decades of red meat being publicly denounced as the number one enemy of the heart, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania are on track to rehabilitate it.

How many times have you heard the mantra, exclude from your menu all red meats because they are a rich source of saturated fatty acidswhich clog your arteries, increase the level of bad cholesterol in your blood and increase the risk of heart attack.

According to experts, we should not lightly put all types of saturated fatty acids under one common denominator. The fact is that some fatty acids such as lauretic, myristic and palmistic acids do have an adverse effect on the heart's cardiovascular system.

Red meat is not harmful, but useful
Red meat is not harmful, but useful

It is a myth that all saturated fatty acids are harmful to our health, scientists say. Stearic acid, which is found in beef, chicken (without skin), pork, olive oil and even milk, does not affect the levels of cholesterol in our blood. Stearic fatty acid does not have an unhealthy effect on the heart. On the contrary.

A study by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania has shown that moderate regular consumption of lean beef can lead to normalization of cholesterol levels in the body.

Studies conducted on two groups of volunteers have shown that moderate consumption of lean red meat can even improve heart function.

Red meat is not harmful, but useful
Red meat is not harmful, but useful

The study participants were divided into two groups, one of which ate beef every day for five weeks. The volunteers in the second group ate only fish, vegetables and protein.

Although none of the subjects lost weight, studies found that volunteers in the first group lowered their levels of bad cholesterol by almost 5%. The result was similar for the participants in the second group.

According to Michael Russell, author of the study: “The unadulterated red meat is a carrier of a unique amount of healthy fats, unlike sausages and ham. The truth is that no one has ever told people to stop taking animal fats altogether. It just shouldn't be overdone, said Dr. Russell.

The results of the research by scientists from the University of Pennsylvania are confirmed in subsequent studies by their colleagues from the University of Texas, the British Nutrition Organization and a number of other independent studies.
