How To Make Einkorn Flour Yourself

How To Make Einkorn Flour Yourself
How To Make Einkorn Flour Yourself

Nowadays, when almost every product contains harmful chemicals and pesticides, einkorn is a good opportunity to eat healthy and wholesome. In the last two decades, almost all cereals on the market have been genetically modified. The only exception is einkorn.

This is a small type of grain from which flour has been produced since ancient times. Subsequently, the wheat we know today was cultivated from it. Einkorn is resistant to pests, so almost no harmful chemicals are used in its cultivation. It does not contain gluten and is rich in nutrients.

However good this may sound, as with each product sought and with einkorn, in order to reduce its price, various production tricks are applied, which significantly reduce its health qualities. For this reason, the best option for making sure you consume a useful natural product is to prepare it yourself. einkorn flour.

The most important thing to watch out for when buying einkorn is to keep it alive. This means that its grains must be sharp and if you plant them, they will be able to germinate. Usually, when sorting this cereal, the sprouts are removed to make the flour more durable. Thus, the durability increases, but the nutritional value of einkorn decreases by more than 70% and its health benefits decrease by more than 60%.

Once you have made sure that you have bought live einkorn, you can start preparing the flour. You need an automatic coffee grinder or a portable stone grinder specifically for flour. With a coffee grinder, preparation can be more time consuming and it is important to know that the appliance will depreciate faster. Stone mills, on the other hand, are designed specifically for making flour at home. Their only downside is their price.

Einkorn flour
Einkorn flour

They can be found in specialty stores, as well as as an item of some agricultural companies. They vary from 250 to 750 levs. Their big advantage is that in just five minutes you can grind up to 5 kilograms of einkorn flour, which will last you a whole week.

For the preparation of the flour itself, once you have the necessary equipment, no special technology is needed. The only thing you need to keep in mind is that if you need flour for breading, making schnitzels, pancakes, and not for bread, it is good to add to each kilogram of ground grain and 100 grams of soy granules to be able to the flour to set.
