What Are Tannins And Why Are They Useful?

What Are Tannins And Why Are They Useful?
What Are Tannins And Why Are They Useful?

Tannins or so-called tannins have the specific property of turning raw animal skin into meshi or gyon (tanning).

Recently, interest in tannins has grown significantly due to the established effect of vitamin P. Valuable substances are extremely useful because they increase the stability of the walls of capillaries and reduce their increased permeability. In addition, they increase the absorption of vitamin C, lower blood cholesterol.

Due to their physiological activity, tannins are increasingly used as both curative and prophylactic agents. In many plants, tannins are the main active ingredient.

Tannin is found in red wines. With moderate consumption, the ingredient helps keep the arteries clean, thus avoiding cardiovascular disease.

It is also found in tea. The tannins contained in tea, when broken down, form tannin.

Barrels of Wine
Barrels of Wine

Tannins are natural substances with an astringent and bitter taste, which are obtained from the maceration of the skins of the grapes and from the tree in which the wine is stored. Their presence is felt by the tongue and gums. Fruit tannins derived from grape skins are healthier and finer, while wood tannins are slightly more aggressive.

In tree species, tannins accumulate in larger quantities in the stem bark. Thanks to the tannin in the inflamed mucous membranes of the mouth and digestive tract, in injured skin - the inflammatory process subsides, pain decreases and dilated blood vessels constrict, the mucosa does not leak toxic substances. It also has a beneficial effect on diarrhea.

Doses of tannins taken orally should be moderate.
