How To Cook Vegetables Of Different Colors

How To Cook Vegetables Of Different Colors
How To Cook Vegetables Of Different Colors

Green vegetables - spinach, dock, green beans, asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts - are best steamed to preserve their rich green color.

If you boil them in boiling water, lightly acidify it with vinegar or lemon juice and just blanch the vegetables for a few minutes to preserve their valuable properties.

Orange vegetables - carrots, orange peppers, pumpkin - are high in carotene. If not cooked properly, it will dissolve in the water and the vegetables will turn pale yellow in color.

Therefore, orange vegetables are best steamed. Boil them for only a few minutes, in a tightly closed container, and consume after cooking. If you let them stay, they lose their valuable substances.

The same is done with red peppers, as well as with all the unpeeled beets. In the water in which you boil the beets, add a little oil and vinegar to keep its dark red color.

Steamed vegetables
Steamed vegetables

If you put a crust of rye bread in the pot while cooking beets, it will absorb the unpleasant smell from cooking. To cook the beets faster, you can peel them and cut them into cubes.

If you boil it not in steam but in water, pour boiling water over it so that it covers the beet cubes very lightly. Stir occasionally and add boiling water. Before the beets are ready, the water must evaporate almost completely.

White vegetables - potatoes, white cabbage and cauliflower, onions, celery - are cooked quickly in boiling water and without a lid. When the vegetables are cooked, the decoction is poured, and then the vegetables are ready with very little water on the bottom of the pot, on low heat and with a tightly closed lid.

When cooking potatoes, avoid greens. Discard them because they contain the harmful substance solanine. To boil the potatoes, pour the peeled and washed potatoes with a little boiling water and add salt, a teaspoon of vinegar and a teaspoon of oil. This will boil them quickly and keep their light color.
