How To Cook Squid?

How To Cook Squid?
How To Cook Squid?

The squid are very tasty seafood, but there are specific requirements for their culinary processing. If they are not overcooked, the squid shrinks and loses not only its size but also its taste.

If you bought frozen squid, defrost them beforehand, leaving them at room temperature. It is not recommended to immerse them in boiling water, so they will lose their useful substances that pass into the water.

When in boiling water, the flesh of the squid may turn pink. If you are in a hurry to defrost them, leave them in lukewarm water in an uncovered container at room temperature.

Grilled squid
Grilled squid

Once the squid has thawed, use a thin knife to separate their skin, which looks like a transparent skin. It is not good to boil them uncleaned from the skin.

Heat water in a saucepan and add salt to taste, 1 bay leaf and a few grains of black pepper. Put the squid one by one in the boiling water.

Put one squid in boiling water, count to ten and remove with a slotted spoon. Wait for the water to boil again and put the next squid in it.

Recipes with squid
Recipes with squid

If you let the squid cook for a long time, they will look like small wrinkled pieces of rubber and their taste will change. The longest time a squid can stay in boiling water is two minutes. Then its taste changes and even flavored with spices, it is no longer pleasant enough to taste.

Squid protein has such a structure that it hardens during prolonged cooking. If you cook it for more than half an hour, it softens again, but its size decreases by more than fifty percent.

Properly cooked squid are not only appetizing, but also very tasty and easily digested by the body. They contain valuable substances useful for the body.

Boiled squid is used to prepare salads and main dishes, but can also be served simply flavored with a little olive oil and lemon juice as a delicious appetizer.

Cooked squid, cut into pieces and added to a suitable sauce, are very suitable for combination with different types of pasta.
