Winter Dietary Salads

Winter Dietary Salads
Winter Dietary Salads

Winter is the time of year when it is easiest to gain weight. The cold weather outside makes us stay longer at home, warm and, as if imperceptibly, more and more often we attack the refrigerator to look for something to eat.

The salvation is to prepare dietary salads that will both satiate us and not harm our waist. Here we will offer you two very easy to prepare diet salads that you can safely consume without worrying about your figure.

Winter beet salad

Necessary products: 1 head of red beets / medium /, 1 head of white radish, 2-3 cauliflower stalks, 1-2 carrots, about 30 g of walnuts, parsley, celery, olive oil, vinegar and salt to taste.

Method of preparation:

Peel the beets, turnips and carrots and grate them with a fine grater. Cut the cauliflower into thin slices, and the parsley and celery into small pieces. Mix all products and mix well. Add salt, vinegar and olive oil and stir again. Then sprinkle the salad with walnuts, which you have previously crushed into small pieces.

Vitamin winter salad

Ingredients: 1 red beet, 1 celery, 1 green apple and 2 carrots.

Sauce products: 1 lemon, 1 green pepper, olive oil, dill, olives, green onions and salt to taste

Method of preparation:

Wash and peel the beets, celery, apple and carrots, then cut the beets into cubes and grate the remaining products.

Mix them well and arrange them on a plate. Then prepare the sauce. This is done as follows: peppers, dill, olives and onions should be chopped into very small pieces.

Then add to them the salt and juice of the squeezed lemon. Mix the products well and add olive oil. Then all you have to do is add the sauce to the other products on the plate. With this, the salad is completely ready.
