Tips For Choosing A Kettle

Tips For Choosing A Kettle
Tips For Choosing A Kettle

If you love tea, it is very important to know how to prepare it properly and which dishes to use. In this case the kettle plays one of the main roles in brewing a nice and aromatic tea.

It is no coincidence that among the Chinese, where tea and tea traditions come from, the teapot or jug is called the Father of Tea, and the water from which tea is made is the Mother of Tea.

It is interesting to mention that in the distant past, jugs in China were made of various materials such as agate, crystal, jade, iron, porcelain, Japanese varnish, clay, sand and bamboo.

Today, most teapots for a number of reasons are made mainly of porcelain, ceramics, stainless steel and even plastic. If you want to follow the ancient Chinese wisdom about choosing a kettle, here's what it's important to know:

1. It is preferable to choose a porcelain teapot, because it is not absorbent and due to the whiteness of its interior you will be able to guess whether the tea has become strong enough or needs to be brewed for some time.

2. The most important rule when choosing a kettle is to like it. This is strictly individual for each person, but don't let the sellers convince you of the quality of their teapots if you don't like them. Imagine that the jug is next to the tea cup and you will have to watch it every day.

Teapot with tea
Teapot with tea

3. Never buy a kettle that smells of oven or oil, because that will only spoil the taste and aroma of tea.

4. Whatever the shape of the kettle, make sure it is made of porcelain or Chinese sand ceramics jixing. The latter was used especially in the royal court, which speaks volumes about it.

In addition, exceptional connoisseurs of tea and tea ceremonies work on these vessels, and the teapots themselves are richly painted, making them unique.

5. Always make sure that the lid of the kettle fits perfectly with it, because otherwise, in addition to the tea not brewing well, you may spill the water while pouring it.

6. The water from the kettle should come out calmly and smoothly without difficulty.

7. Once you have bought a kettle, it is good to immerse it in cold water and put it on low heat. This will eliminate any odors that may have been absorbed during processing.

8. According to connoisseurs of tea traditions, it is good to have a separate kettle for different types of tea. This means brewing black tea in one teapot, green tea in another, and herbal tea in a third.
