

The camphor tree / Cinnamomum camphora / is a tree that reaches 40 meters in height. It belongs to the Laurel family. The camphor tree is found in the wild in southern China and on the island of Taiwan.

It is also distributed in Japan, Sri Lanka, East Africa. The camphor tree blooms in May-June with small white flowers gathered in racemes. Although outside its homeland, placed in appropriate places, the camphor tree grows well.

The largest camphor tree is located on the island of Taiwan. The circumference of its stem is 16 meters and the diameter is 5.5 meters. More than 7,000 kg of camphor oil can be obtained from this 51-meter tree. Locals believe that the tree is 1400 years old, and under it is an altar.

Taiwanese worship camphor trees because they believe they are inhabited by deities. Taiwan accounts for about 70% of world production of camphor oil and camphor. As early as the 13th century, Marco Polo noted that camphor oil was highly valued by the Chinese as a fragrance, medicine and embalming liquid.

Composition of camphor

Raw camphor is extracted from camphor wood in the form of a white crystalline substance. All parts of the tree contain essential oil - the roots 8%, the wood about 4%, the branches up to 2%, the leaves about 1.8%.


The main chemical components of camphor oil are borneol, geraniol, cinnamon, safrole, eugenol, methyl cinnamate, camphene, lemon, sabine and others. Camphor oil is extracted by steam distillation of the branches or roots of the tree. The recovered concentrate was placed in vacuo and filtered.

Three types are obtained camphor - white, yellow and brown. Yellow and brown camphor have a very high safrole content - about 80% for brown oil and 10-20% for yellow oil. This makes them extremely dangerous and practically unusable because they are considered carcinogenic.

Selection and storage of camphor

Camphor can be purchased in the form of essential oil in pharmacies and specialty stores. Store according to the instructions on the package and keep the oil away from children.

Benefits of camphor

Usually camphor is used externally to relieve rheumatic and arthritic pain, back pain and neuralgia. It can be used for skin problems such as herpes, frostbite, mouth rashes, rubbing in the chest with bronchitis and other lung infections.

Camphor is very often used for steam inhalations aimed at reducing cough. These inhalations have a local analgesic effect and at the same time remove congestion.

When a cream or ointment that contains camphor rubbed into the chest, back or throat, body heat helps to release camphor vapor and when inhaled, helps to decompose mucus and relieve blocked airways.

Camphor is used to soften chapped lips, relieve itching in skin complaints such as insect bites and eczema. Camphor stimulates the healing of wounds and burns on the skin, helps repel moths and other insects.

Ointments with camphor
Ointments with camphor

When camphor Applied to the skin as an ointment, it acts as a very good anti-irritant that stimulates nerve endings and helps reduce pain.

Cold compresses from camphor are used for sprains and injuries. Very small amounts of camphor oil added to creams are sufficient to relieve inflammatory diseases and eliminate redness. It is extremely useful against acne and cracked hands.

Camphor relieves sunburn, helps with palpitations and coronary heart disease, is used in chronic heart failure. It has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle.

In Mexico, a mixture of olive oil and camphor is a very popular remedy for injuries and neuralgia. In Latin America, the camphor-in-wine solution is used as a remedy for tumors and respiratory problems.

Camphor is defined as an aphrodisiac, believed to help with decreased libido, affecting the brain centers responsible for sexual appetite. In men, it can be used externally to relieve erectile dysfunction.

Use camphor as a lotion if you have pain in the ear. Apply gently to the affected ear, but do not drip drops directly into it!

If you have problems with hair loss, dandruff, hair breakage, weak or brittle hair, apply camphor oil to the scalp. It will strengthen the hair, accelerate hair growth and get rid of dandruff if you have such a problem.

You can add a few drops of camphor oil to your shampoo or hair mask to solve the problem of brittle or too oily hair. If you use it in the mask, apply on hair, leave for 10 minutes and rinse. The shine of the hair is immediately noticeable.

If you mix a camphor tablet or a small amount, if in a liquid state, in coconut oil, you will make a great remedy against lice. Apply on the scalp and leave overnight, covering the head with a towel. Wash your hair well in the morning, the lice will disappear.

Regular application of camphor on an area with fungus can not only eliminate the problem, but also prevent the recurrence of the fungus.

Smear the cracked skin on the heels with camphor oil or make a foot bath with a few drops inside. Keep your feet in the water with camphor for about 10 minutes, clean with pumice, rinse with water, apply a skin softening lotion. It is good to sleep with socks in the evening to have the effect of the procedure.

The camphor brings a positive mood and relieves depression. It is believed to bring greater clarity to the mind, awaken and stimulate the mind. Helps with sleep problems and apathy.

Camphor oil combines very well with essential oils of chamomile, basil, lemon balm and lavender.

Harms of camphor

Camphor oil is very strong, so it should be used with caution. An overdose of camphor can lead to vomiting and seizures. Pregnant women, people suffering from asthma and epilepsy should not use the oil.

In no case do not take camphor internally, beware of ingestion and ingestion, because the effect can be fatal!

Do not apply on bleeding wounds or injured skin, as it may cause irritation!