Why Consume Skim Cheese?

Why Consume Skim Cheese?
Why Consume Skim Cheese?

Apart from being delicious, dairy products are also very useful because they supply the body with proteins, calcium and vitamins. Cheese is a traditional product for our table and a favorite appetizer for many Bulgarians. In our national cuisine it is found in many and varied recipes.

The body should not be deprived of the useful ingredients of dairy products. But to avoid increased fat intake in cheese consumption and subsequent problems such as obesity, high cholesterol and the diseases they cause, experts recommend the use of skimmed cheese.

It has the same beneficial ingredients as full-fat cheese, but does not harm the body with high calorie content. As the fat in the cheese decreases, so do the calories, saturated fat and cholesterol it contains, but the body's valuable minerals and vitamins are preserved.

Skim cheese contains protein, calcium, magnesium, folic acid, vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12. It also contains vitamins A, D and E. Therefore, cheese should be regularly present at our table.

Calcium plays a key role in building bones and teeth and their strength. It is especially important for people who play sports to eat enough dairy products. Consumption of cheese also improves bone density. Although all kinds of supplements are already available, it is best for the body to get the necessary calcium from food.


People who work indoors or live in places with little sun cannot produce enough vitamin D on their own, which helps the body absorb calcium. They are recommended to consume regularly skimmed cheese.

A study conducted in Spain showed that the consumption of skim milk products, including cheese, helps to lower blood pressure. Researchers studied more than 5,000 people and found that those who ate low-fat foods had a 24 percent lower risk of high blood pressure than those who ate low-fat foods.

Scientists suggest that the reason for these results is in the proteins in skim products, which may have similar properties to drugs to lower blood pressure.

Skim cheese can be consumed without worries by people who want to lose weight because it is low in calories. It is also suitable for diabetics.
