Refined Sugar And The Risks It Poses

Refined Sugar And The Risks It Poses
Refined Sugar And The Risks It Poses

Excessive consumption of sugar can literally clog the human body. Excessive refined sugar and pastries made from it pose a number of health risks. See which are the 7 most pronounced dangers of sugar consumption.

It turns out that in the first place in the list of the risks that refined sugar poses, is the depletion of vitamin B1 in the body. This vitamin plays an important role in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and in the synthesis of nucleic acids. Vitamin B1 deficiency disrupts the conduction of nerve impulses in the central nervous system, reduces our ability to remember.

Refined sugar creates the ideal environment in the mouth for the development of bacteria. Excessive use of pastries such as chocolate cakes and delicious cakes leads to the formation of dental caries.

In unreasonable quantities refined sugar decreases the protective functions of the body. It reduces the ability of white blood cells to kill bacilli, leading to a suppressed immune system.

The conversion of glucose to triglycerides raises blood fat levels. Refined sugar also contributes to the appearance of insidious hypoglycemia and the onset of diabetes in adults.

When there is more than 10% sugar in the stomach, unpleasant stomach disorders occur. It is important to know that the concentrated sugar solution is a powerful irritant to the mucous membrane.

The other unhealthy consequence of excessive consumption of white sugar is constipation. This condition occurs because sugar-rich foods are usually low in cellulose. As is well known, constipation occurs as a result of insufficient cellulose in the diet.

Eating too much sugar also leads to myocardial infarction. Those who ingest 110 grams of sugar (equivalent to 22 teaspoons of sugar) are five times more likely to have heart attacks than those who take 60 grams (12 teaspoons) of sugar.

The bottom line: With the exception of fruits, the ideal food should contain minimal amounts of sugars (if any). It is also important to note that refined sugar does not contain vitamins and minerals.

Sugar in the fruit
Sugar in the fruit

Every day we hear that excess sugar and fat are bad for your health. How many of us listen to these warnings and put them into practice?

Do you know how excess sugar can affect your health? You may have noticed that when you eat something sweet, your teeth hurt, and sometimes even lunch is an unpleasant memory because the chocolate you just ate had an effect.

According to American experts, refined sugar contributes to the appearance of cancer cells and aims to increase cholesterol levels in adults.

In addition, it can have the effect of weakening vision, and in children it leads to weight gain.

In addition, the refined sugar in sweets, candies and juicy cakes, which we do not miss at any meal, increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. The first signs of damage from refined sugar are eczema, anxiety, difficulty concentrating and common diseases.

Consumption of refined sugar leads to weakening the immune system and the body can no longer fight infections and bacteria. However, measures to completely eliminate sugar from the diet are risky. According to traditional Chinese medicine, a healthy body needs sweet, salty, bitter and sour every day to feel full.

Experts believe that the best way to avoid complications that may occur is to replace daily sugar with honey or sweet foods, but which are not harmful in the long run.

You can sweeten everyday coffee with honey, but you can also include it in the composition of cakes. Morning tea is recommended unsweetened, and if you want, you can use stevia leaves for it, which will give a sweet and delicious taste to your daily tea.

Sweet fruits can be used for a quick dessert, raw cake or other favorite pastry without the need to add sugar. Pears, apples, cream cheese can be used in your holiday pies, pancakes, guest cakes without the need to add refined sugar to them. All you have to do is think about healthy alternatives to sugar and you will see that you can easily replace it without much effort.

Refined sugar in cakes
Refined sugar in cakes

Give up sugar-related habits

Another important step is to identify habits that encourage you to eat sugar. The combination of two pleasures makes giving up even harder, but if you have the will you will succeed.

For example, many people are used to eating something sweet when watching a favorite TV show. To get rid of this temptation, at least for a while, you can try to do something else enjoyable instead of watching TV, or eat something salty instead of sweets. For example, homemade popcorn. And why not vegetable chips. For example, kale chips are a great idea.

Also, another strong temptation is that of the group. When you go out with your friends and they buy ice cream with nuts and ask you to get one, it's much harder to resist. You can try to make a general decision in this regard and avoid all this food or tell them that you just want to give up and stop being tempted.

Arm yourself with patience. Although it seems very hard to believe, after going through the initial period, when you think only of donuts with cream or croissants with chocolate, you will see that after a few weeks you just will not feel the need to consume refined sugar. Be patient and encourage yourself to go through the most severe temptations, those that appear immediately after the decision to give up sugar.

As it has already become clear, the risks of consuming refined sugar they are not few. But if you say goodbye to this sweetener, you will feel many positive improvements. For example, you will lose weight very quickly, you will be more energetic. You will have desires for more things. It is possible to get rid of digestive problems, bad breath, fatigue, difficulty falling asleep. Give yourself at least 1 month and you will see how much your life will change.
