The Benefits Of A Cleansing Day With Apples

The Benefits Of A Cleansing Day With Apples
The Benefits Of A Cleansing Day With Apples

The cleansing day with apples is a light and fast way to maintain the organs and to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. Apple cleansing is very effective and also pleasant and tasty.

The method has many advantages. When eating apples, the body rests and heals itself by disposing of toxins and other harmful substances that accumulate in it.

With this method you will lose a few extra pounds, which have been bothering you more and more lately. This effect is due to the fact that the cleansing with apples is based on the principle of monodiet.

Ideally, the cleansing days should be two or three. If you are going to use this method for the first time, it is recommended to start with the shortest period - one day.

Apple diet
Apple diet

Short cleansing periods are favorable for slow cleansing and detoxification of the body. You can repeat them three or four times a month.

Eat five or six apples daily. Choose them well ripened, consumption of unripe apples is not recommended.

Drink plenty of water - at least two liters a day. The water should be at room temperature. You can drop a little lemon juice in the water.

During the cleansing day with apples, relax and unwind. Take a nap, do light exercise, meditate or take a walk in the fresh air.

Diet with apples
Diet with apples

Apples normalize the stomach, liver and urinary tract. They also lower the level of bad cholesterol, so it is very useful to do at least once a month a cleansing day with apples.

An apple contains ten percent of the daily dietary fiber. They help get rid of bad cholesterol and remove heavy metals from the body.

Apples are recommended for beriberi, decreased levels of vitamin C, anemia. Apples prevent the formation of uric acid and are recommended for gout and chronic rheumatism.

It is best to eat apples unpeeled, as this will give the body more nutrients. Water should be drunk half an hour after eating, otherwise flatulence is formed.
