Vitamin R

Vitamin R
Vitamin R

Vitamin R enters the group of water-soluble vitamins. Hundreds of different bioflavonoids make up the water-soluble Vitamin P. Synonyms of Vitamin P are the bioflavonoids - rutin, epicatechin, ceptrin, citrine, flavone, hesperidin.

Vitamin R was discovered by a group of Hungarian scientists who proved that the juice of peppers or lemons has an effect on the permeability of blood vessels.

The most important function of this vitamin is to reduce the permeability of capillaries, hence its name (Permeability - permeability), and to increase the elasticity of vascular walls. Bioflavonoids act by strengthening the capillary walls and regulating their permeability.


Flavonoids are the substances that give the fruit its yellow or orange color. Most nutritionists believe that for every 500 mg of vitamin C, at least 100 mg should be taken. bioflavonoids. They protect vitamin C from destruction by oxidation, thus enhancing its action. The body cannot synthesize vitamins from this group on its own.

Benefits of Vitamin R

Vitamin R is associated with vitamin C and is needed for its full absorption. It has a capillary-strengthening effect, has a beneficial effect on burns and radiation sickness, stimulates the formation of reticulocytes, enhances tissue respiration. It has very good effects on sports injuries, as it has a analgesic effect.

It's proved that Vitamin R has the unique property of modifying the body's response against various types of viruses, allergens and carcinogens. As an antioxidant, it protects the body from the harmful effects of free radicals.

It has anti-allergic, antiviral and anti-cancer effects. It has a role in preventing cancer and cardiovascular disease. Menopausal women can find effective relief from hot flashes by increasing their daily intake of Vitamin R together with vitamin D.

Anyone who has a tendency to bruise easily can increase vitamin C and Vitamin P in their daily diet. The same goes for people whose gums bleed when brushing their teeth.

Sources of Vitamin P


The best sources are fruits and vegetables in yellow, orange and red and in general citrus - mango, apricots, oranges, grapefruits and other citrus fruits. Vitamin P is also found in rose hips, lemons, cherries, currants, prunes, grapes. Of the vegetables richest in Vitamin P are carrots, tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, onions and parsley.

A good source of this vitamin are also green tea, red wine and dark chocolate (with over 70% cocoa content). And more: red pepper, black currant, cherry, buckwheat, almonds.

Vitamin R deficiency

In the absence of Vitamin R Vitamin C is poorly absorbed by the body, develops weakness, fatigue. There are similar effects as with vitamin C - bleeding gums, muscle pain, cracking at the edges of the mouth and more. There is pain in the extremities, there is a danger of various bleedings, especially internal. Small hemorrhages are observed on the skin in the area of the folds.

The fragility of the vessels increases, which leads to the formation of bruises and swelling. The lack of Vitamin R plays a role in disease states in which there is increased permeability of the capillaries to protein substances, such as hepatitis, nephritis, pleurisy, gastritis and others. Enemies of Vitamin P are water, heat treatment, light, oxygen, cigarette smoke.

Vitamin P overdose

An overdose of bioflavonoids is unlikely, but it can lead to diarrhea. Although eating fruits and vegetables regularly provides us with enough doses of vitamin P, if its deficiency is noted, it often manifests itself in the faster and easier appearance of bruises.
