Differences Between Plant And Animal Protein

Differences Between Plant And Animal Protein
Differences Between Plant And Animal Protein

Did you know that about 20% of our body is made up of protein? Because our body does not have a natural supply of this macronutrient, it is important that we provide it through our food on a daily basis. The sources are many and varied - in addition to various meats and fish, it can also come from dairy and plant products.

According to some, it doesn't matter if the source from which the protein comes is vegetable or animal. Others claim that plant protein is much more useful, and others do not believe that it is absorbed by the body at all.

What is the difference between vegetable and animal protein?

The answer lies in amino acids. Our body needs 20 different types of them. They are classified into two subgroups - essential and non-essential. The latter are produced by our body itself, and the former are not.

Therefore, we must provide them through diet. Animal protein, which comes from meat, fish, eggs and dairy products, is similar to the proteins found in our body. Therefore, they are considered optimal sources of protein. What's more, they contain all the essential amino acids our body needs to function properly.

Vegetable proteins we can get beans, lentils and nuts. They are considered insufficient because they do not contain one or more essential amino acids that our body needs.

Plant protein
Plant protein

Animal products have other advantages over plant products. They are rich not only in protein, but also in many other nutrients that we need every day. Among them are B-group vitamins, which are more often missing in foods of plant origin; vitamin D also cannot be found in them. Zinc can also be obtained mainly from beef, pork and lamb.

Animal foods also have their drawbacks, according to some studies. Take red meat, for example. They are believed to increase the risk of various vascular diseases and lead to elevated cholesterol levels in the body.

In the end, however, no unified conclusions are reached. The fact is - protein is important for our body. Both animal and plant products have many benefits. That is why it is important to try to ensure a balance between them and to get more proteins, and all substances from a variety of useful sources.
