

If you have tried amaranth, you are probably not at all satisfied with its taste, but on the other hand it has really impressive nutritional qualities.

Amaranth is an ancient cereal that is closely associated with the traditions and way of life of the Aztecs. Amaranth / Amaranthus / is an annual plant, a close relative of the species of sturgeon found in our country, which grow like weeds.

Reaches a height of 2 meters, has brightly colored leaves with colors ranging from dark red, purple, pink, orange and white. The seeds are the size of a lentil, and their color varies from white to orange. America is considered the homeland of amaranth. There are many species and varieties of amaranth, which have different applications in different parts of the world.

History of amaranth

Homeland of this ancient cereal is South and Central America. Before America was discovered, amaranth was a staple food for the locals. He also participated in religious ceremonies. With the discovery of America came the end of the cultivation of amaranthbecause the newcomers were horrified by the pagan rituals in which the amaranth participated.

Beans and wheat are established as the main food crops. A few centuries later, in the second half of the 20th century, the cultivation of amaranth. Nowadays it is widespread in Asia, Africa, North and South America.

Composition of amaranth

Amaranth seeds
Amaranth seeds

Amaranth contains a large number of essential amino acids, and the amount of lysine in it is three times greater than in other cereals. Amaranth is rich in phosphorus, iron, magnesium and calcium, vitamin E. It has a large amount of fiber, no gluten. It also contains B vitamins and folic acid.

100 g amaranth contain 375 kcal, 66 g of carbohydrates, 9.3 g of fiber, 6.5 g of fat, 14 g of protein.

Selection and storage of amaranth

Amaranth can be purchased in specialized and organic stores, in packages of 500 g. The price of such a package is 5-6 levs. Store in a cool, dry place.

Cooking amaranth

Experienced chefs claim that heat treatment significantly improves the taste of small grains, but also increases the absorption of nutrients. The cooking time for amaranth is about 25 minutes.

It should not be cooked at a very high temperature, because a negative effect can be achieved. If you do not want to boil it, you need to soak it in water for 10-12 hours.

To improve the taste you can taste it with honey, add nuts or dried fruits. Amaranth popcorn is recommended for feeding babies. Amaranth is also suitable for garnishes.


It can be cooked as rice or combined with quinoa or brown rice. A handful of amaranth in soups is a very suitable addition. This also applies to dishes with lentils, beans and all kinds of vegetables. Amaranth can also be used ground into flour.

The use of amaranth in combination with corn, brown rice or wheat provides the full range of proteins that have the same nutritional value as chicken, red meat and fish.

Amaranth is prepared differently in different countries. In Ecuador, the flowers of the plant are boiled, and the resulting colored water is added to a local type of rum.

The result is a drink that the locals claim purifies the blood. In Mexico, it is made into popcorn, then mixed with sugar syrup to make the country's famous allergy.

The local atole drink is prepared from ground and roasted amaranth seeds. In Peru, they also make amaranth drink, which they call giggles. In both Mexico and Peru, amaranth leaves are fried or boiled. In India they make cakes with amaranth.

Benefits of amaranth

Amaranth is especially useful for people who suffer from gluten intolerance because it does not contain gluten. It is rich in sulfur-containing amino acids, which are important for the normal functioning of the liver and the normal development of babies. Amaranth is a favorite food of vegetarians who get the necessary protein through it.

Amaranth is recommended for consumption during pregnancy, active sports people and people who work hard. It improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. It is useful for everyone who maintains a balanced and healthy diet.

The flowering plant is used for medicinal purposes. It has a diaphoretic, astringent, diuretic and stimulating effect. It is used for heavy menstruation, bleeding, sores in the throat and mouth, gastroenteritis and diarrhea.
