What Are Complex Carbohydrates

What Are Complex Carbohydrates
What Are Complex Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are the body's main energy source. They not only supply the muscles with the energy they need, but are also responsible for the proper functioning of the central nervous system. This is due to the fact that the brain uses them as the main energy source.

Insufficient carbohydrate intake leads to hypoglycemia - low blood sugar. The condition is characterized by fatigue, drowsiness, irritability, and even loss of consciousness.

Carbohydrates fall into two main categories: simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates pass through the digestive system very quickly, almost instantly. Sweetened foods are made up of such carbohydrates. These are biscuits, cakes, sugar, honey.

Complex carbohydrates are single carbohydrates that are combined into one. Before supplying the body with energy, they are first broken down in the digestive tract.

Complex carbohydrates are more beneficial for blood sugar levels because they supply the body with glucose for a longer time. Once the blood sugar level is constant, a person feels fresh and full of energy.


Although both simple and complex carbohydrates provide the body with the required amount of glucose, the latter have several advantages.

They give the body a variety of fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Complex carbohydrates serve to provide several main components: they are energy fuel, save protein, are an important means of fat metabolism.

The most important task of complex carbohydrates is to provide energy to the body during exercise. It is extremely important to have enough carbohydrates in the body to maintain glycogen levels. Glycogen deficiency cannot produce glucose.

Complex carbohydrates save protein stores. If the body starts using protein as a source of energy, a negative nutritional balance will result.

The breakdown of complex carbohydrates releases products without which there is no way to exchange fat.

Complex carbohydrates are found in all whole grains, oats, rice, vegetables and legumes.
