Foods That Men Refuse To Eat

Foods That Men Refuse To Eat
Foods That Men Refuse To Eat

It has long been known that one of the most valued things in this world for men is food. There are typically masculine foods such as tripe soup and Sun salad, made from meatballs in the middle, with rays of kebabs.

However, there are also foods that the man flatly refuses to eat. The very thought of touching them makes him tingle. According to male logic, a truly respectable macho should stay away from:

Fruit Salad

The mix of bananas, strawberries, kiwis, red oranges, normal oranges, apples, figs and all sorts of other women's treats is anything but a salad. This is by no means something you can drink brandy with, let alone eat it without it just for fun. This is not for men and will never be, no matter what the female population claims.



It is not exactly forbidden. The critical thing in this case is that some women try to convince the man next to them that they can replace any main dish with a green salad. The man has a firm position on this issue. Even if there are radishes, boiled eggs, and even ham in the middle of the iceberg, this will never be a normal men's dinner.

Oat bran pancakes

Oatmeal pancakes
Oatmeal pancakes

This is a favorite food of every fan of healthy eating and food that no self-respecting man would ever touch. It's just not right to mess with pancakes in this cruel way.

Smoothies, shakes, fruit yogurt


It is not known which of the three is most hated by men. These foods may indeed be useful to someone, but they should never be present in the menu of a real man. In reality, a normal man would never order something like that.


This sounds in a man's ears like something too far from his nature and wrong in general. Salts are presumably not in line with his notions of normal food. Biosalts, on the other hand, literally go beyond the horizons of everything rational. And yes - your sober strong partner should flatly refuse to eat them.
