Let's Eat Eggs Exquisitely

Let's Eat Eggs Exquisitely
Let's Eat Eggs Exquisitely

Many of us easily handle chopsticks in a Chinese restaurant and masterfully roll spaghetti on a fork in a pizzeria.

But do we know how to elegantly consume eggs? There is an unwritten egg label that is strictly followed by anyone who wants to look presentable at the table.

Eggs that are soft are served in special cups on a stool. In addition, a teaspoon extended at the end and a knife are served. The egg is placed in the cup with the sharp part upwards and with a quick blow with the knife or the spoon is broken in its upper part.

Part of the shell is peeled and if the protein is soft, eaten with a spoon, if it is hard - cut with a knife. The cut part is placed on a plate and eaten with the help of a spoon and a knife, which pushes it towards it.


If you are served a hard-boiled egg, do not beat it on the table or on a plate. According to the label, you have to take the egg in your left hand and with the help of a spoon hit it sharply two or three times.

Peel a squash, grate it and cut it in half. The halves are then cut into pieces that fit in the mouth. Quail eggs are consumed whole, just be careful not to swallow them.

The omelet is eaten with two forks. The soft fluffy mass does not like cutting blows. Cut a piece with the rib of the fork, transfer it to the fork in your left hand and eat.

Stuffed eggs are eaten with a fork and knife. Quails full of caviar are usually eaten by hand.
