

Today the Christian Church celebrates the good news of the Savior's birth!! The Feast of the Annunciation is also called Blagovets or Half Easter.

On this day, according to popular belief, storks, cuckoos and swallows fly in and carry the good newsthat winter is coming and summer is coming.

The bears wake up from their sleep and come out of their dens. It's a good idea to have money in your pocket and a bite in your mouth if you hear a cuckoo. You have to hold on tight to have health, prosperity and a full pocket throughout the year.

The girls are guessing whether they will go home. They put tulips in water and if they bud in three days, then they will get married by the end of the year.

An old belief is that on this day, making a knot on a belt or headscarf will protect you from lessons.

Annunciation is also associated with the ritual pursuit of snakes and lizards, hitting the iron and saying the spell Run, snakes and lizards, today is Blagovets!

Rice pond for the Annunciation
Rice pond for the Annunciation

As it is celebrated during Lent, only fish is allowed. You can also prepare a fishpond or fish with rice.

They are present at the table of the Annunciation sarmi from dock, meatballs from nettle or archer. Prepare a soup or porridge of nettle, dock, sorrel - as they say - let's get green!

Girls learn to knead bread with honey - this is how the tradition is passed on, then distributed to neighbors and relatives for health.

Annunciation cake
Annunciation cake

Photo: Vanya Georgieva

It is believed that the wounds on this day heal faster, so the grandmothers pierce the ears of the girls, because this day is mild and invisible forces from the retinue of the Archangel Gabriel circle around the people to help.

It is good on this day to buy something new, to go to new things during the year. Early in the morning the mistress sweeps the yard, collects the garbage and sets it on fire. It is believed that this way everything bad will burn. Then jump over the fire to smoke the legs - so you will not suffer from snake bites.

If the Annunciation it is raining, the year will be fertile. Do not sleep late, so as not to make a person sick and sleep his luck.

Whoever sees a stork in flight for the first time on Blagovets will be happy.

Congratulations to the celebrants Annunciation, be healthy and happy! May the Mother of God protect us and help us as an intercessor before her Son for every human pain!
