Ritual Table Of The Annunciation

Ritual Table Of The Annunciation
Ritual Table Of The Annunciation

On Annunciation - one of the most important Christian holidays - on the ritual table must be present bread made without milk and without eggs, only with soda, because they must be observed Easter fasts.

Soda bread, prepared for the Christian holiday, is placed on a ceramic plate and covered with a red towel. When everyone in the family sits at the table, the towel is removed and each is given a piece of ritual bread.

Everyone sitting at the table should keep a small piece of baking soda from the table for Annunciation and the next morning to go out, carrying the piece of bread in his pocket.

Soda bread
Soda bread

If a person hears a cuckoo and has a piece of this cake in his pocket, luck will be with him until the end of the year.

Among the ritual foods that are put on the table for Annunciation, honey is mandatory. It is placed in a small bowl in which small pieces of soda bread are melted.


Traditionally, on a bright day, different types of pies are prepared, again without eggs.

On the table of Annunciation, also known as Blagovets, some kind of fish is added, no matter what. It does not matter how the fish is prepared, the important thing is to have a fish dish.


The fish can be roasted, but is also allowed on the table for Annunciation to have fish soup or fishpond - a dish of baked fish with rice.

In addition to the ritual dish pond on the table for Annunciation another type of fish is added. It is believed that the more dishes on the table, the richer the harvest in the fall.

Fish dishes for the ritual table of Annunciation are prepared without the use of eggs to observe Easter fasts.

To garnish the fish, cut and stewed greens are served - dock, sorrel, nettle.

On the table for Annunciation an onion pie or a spinach pie is also prepared. It can be prepared with both old onions and fresh green onions.

At the ritual table for the Christian holiday Annunciation wine is also allowed, although they are fasting.

Boiled crabs or other seafood can also be placed on the ritual table. Here are some more ideas for Annunciation dishes.
