The Magic Of The Ritual Bread

The Magic Of The Ritual Bread
The Magic Of The Ritual Bread

Ritual bread it is not ordinary bread. For him, the preparation begins very early, even after the harvest.

Healthy grains of pure wheat or wheat are selected, which are washed very well and dried. They are ground into flour, which is stored in a clean cotton bag and used only on the days when it is necessary to knead the ritual bread.

To make the ritual bread, you need:

- Sift the flour three times through a sieve;

- It is smoked to be lit;

- The water for kneading is carried by a young bride or girl. This water is called still water, undrinkable water or colored water; Silent, because while the girl carries the water, she does not talk to anyone; Not drunk, because no one is allowed to drink from this water. Colored because fresh or dried flowers are placed in it according to the season;

- This water is heated over a fire, only smokeless embers;

- After warming up, only then knead the dough;

- Ritual breads are made only from yeast (sourdough);

- Their shape can be round, elliptical, oblong or pretzel;

- It is obligatory to make motifs (patterns) from salt dough, with which they are decorated.

Each element has its symbolic meaning. The wooden seals with inscriptions and crosses are religious. From the same dough are made figures for fertility, health, prosperity and more.

The wreath of dough symbolizes joy and merriment, the rainbow - rain, health and life, the bird is good news and happiness, etc.

After baking ritual bread it must be smoked, only then it goes to its destination depending on the rite, is distributed to relatives and neighbors, is brought to the church for lighting or placed on the festive table.
