Diet Clean 30 Or How Abstinence For A Month Will Cure You

Diet Clean 30 Or How Abstinence For A Month Will Cure You
Diet Clean 30 Or How Abstinence For A Month Will Cure You

If you have a health problem with inflamed joints, here are some tips on how to alleviate your condition. The diet is Melissa Hartung and she said Clean 30. Details on this regimen can be found in Google, but generally speaking - this is a diet without a plan.

The diet consists in the fact that for a month you should not eat anything pasta, anything dairy, no alcohol, no white and any other sugar, no artificial sweets, beans, soy and processed foods.

It is allowed to eat fruits, vegetables, meat and fish this month. Refined oil and vegetable fats such as olive oil and flaxseed can be used. Of the beans, only green beans are allowed.

Instead of sandwiches, eat clear soups - it can be vegetable or a combination of tender beef or chicken. The meat can be cooked or stewed with vegetables. This will help deal with wolf hunger at the beginning of the diet.

Meat contains tryptophan, a substance that is directly involved in the production of serotonoids. The higher the levels of this substance, the better for you.

Sick joints
Sick joints

Replace coffee in the morning with herbal tea or green tea. Excess caffeine makes the body store fat and do not be tempted to drink hot chocolate, because it is a drink with 448 calories in just one glass.

Don't forget the water! In cold weather you should drink a lot of water from the summer. This is necessary to maintain a normal metabolism. Warm water with lemon is an excellent choice for a drink. With these tips you will improve the health of joint diseases and you will feel great!
