Diet With Yogurt And Sesame Tahini

Diet With Yogurt And Sesame Tahini
Diet With Yogurt And Sesame Tahini

Any diet is much more than eating certain foods and limiting calorie intake. She cares about our good health above all.

Yogurt successfully optimizes digestion, increases metabolism and is an ideal choice for a dietary and detoxifying, short-term nutritional program.

The most important feature of yogurt is that it is rich in probiotic bacteria, which are especially important for maintaining a healthy digestive system. If we have a good balance of intestinal flora, calcium is better absorbed into the bloodstream to be transported to the bones.

Sesame tahini is ground sesame seeds. If they are pre-peeled, then it is white in color. When the tahini is darker, it means that the seeds are not peeled and is marked as natural. It is also more useful because it contains more active nutrients. Tahini is rich in calcium. It is rich in B vitamins, which are especially useful for anemic people and those with reduced immunity. It also contains other minerals such as zinc, iron, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. Tahini has high levels of essential fatty acids, which significantly increases its nutritional qualities as a preferred product for a balanced diet.

How to combine yogurt and sesame tahini in one diet?

Yogurt can be taken at any time of the day. It is also used in mono-diets or semi-mono-diets as a main component, which requires its consumption in larger quantities.

Its daily intake can reach 2 liters, which makes five buckets of yogurt. It is best to divide them into one of the five meals: breakfast, breakfast before lunch, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner.

Diet with yogurt and sesame tahini
Diet with yogurt and sesame tahini

If the milk you choose from the market is 4.5% fat, then you should limit its maximum daily intake to 1.5 liters.

Tahini is good to take in the morning, on an empty stomach. Once you wake up, drink about 250 ml. hot water. Wait ten minutes and eat three tablespoons of delicious sesame tahini. Then you can eat a bucket of yogurt. It is good if you are going to combine low-fat milk in your diet with one that is full-fat, then eat just it at breakfast.

Keep drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day. At lunch, if you missed the previous light meal, eat two cups of yogurt at once.

In the afternoon, eat another, and you can eat two spoons of tahini. For dinner, enjoy the last bucket of yogurt of the day. You can also add an apple to the menu for lunch.

This diet should be completed within 6 days. Depending on physical activity, you can lose up to five pounds without feeling hungry or regaining your previous weight.
