How To Make Sesame Tahini?

How To Make Sesame Tahini?
How To Make Sesame Tahini?

Tahini made from sesame seeds, is extremely useful. Its diverse ingredients make it a real miracle for your digestive system! In addition to being very useful, tahini tastes good and is a good source of energy.

It is recommended that every household has a jar of sesame tahini in their kitchen. The truth is that its preparation is not difficult at all, but homemade sesame tahini is even tastier.

Honey and iron, part of the ingredients in sesame tahini, help produce white blood cells in the body. Zinc stimulates their development and thus they fight microbes. Selenium, in turn, is responsible for the production of antioxidants and antibodies.

Thanks to omega-3 fatty acids, tahini has an extremely good effect on the heart. In this way, cholesterol levels are reduced and cardiovascular disease is more likely to be cured.


Sesame tahini is suitable for people who follow a diet or diet. It is extremely rich in vitamin B1, phosphorus and manganese. Among other useful substances, this food supplement can charge you with energy for the whole day. Keep in mind that with just one spoon of it you get about 1 g of fiber, 3 g of protein and 85 calories.

Preparing the magic mixture is a real pleasure. Start by roasting about 300 g of raw sesame seeds. After about 10 minutes it will acquire a nice pink color, but keep in mind that you need to stir it periodically so that it can bake well.

After the sesame is roasted and cooled, pour it into a blender together with ½ tsp. salt and 1 tbsp. oil. Beat the ingredients to a high degree until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. It is best to store the finished elixir in a glass container so that it does not absorb the smell or substances of metal or wood.

Sesame tahini
Sesame tahini

You can use sesame tahini and for different types of hummus, pastries, baklava, etc. What you need to do is mix it with honey in a ratio of 1: 2. With the resulting mixture you can spread a toast or rusk, and thus satisfy your hunger between meals.
