

Carrot is a plant with a thick, fleshy root with a rich color that grows underground and thin green leaves appearing above the ground. Although usually associated with the color orange, in fact, carrots grow in many different colors, including white, yellow, red or purple.

Carrots belong to the family Umbelliferae, which also includes parsnips, dill and cumin. More than 100 different varieties of carrots are known, which differ in size and color. Carrot roots have a crispy texture and a sweet, mint-flavored taste, while its green leaves have a fresh taste and are slightly bitter.

History of carrots

The noble origins of carrots can be traced back thousands of years, and their cultivation originally began in Central Asia and the Middle East. Carrots at that time looked very different from the species we know today, namely they were a deep purple color, ranging from lavender to deep eggplant. This coloration is due to the pigments of the nutrients anthocyanins, which were contained in these carrots.

Yellow colored varieties of carrots appeared first in Afghanistan and after further processing developed the varieties we know today. Both types of carrots were widespread throughout the Mediterranean region and were used by the ancient Greeks and Romans for medicinal purposes.

Carrots were not a popular vegetable in Europe until the Renaissance. Subsequently, they spread to the North American colonies. Due to their increased popularity in the early 1800s, carrots became the first vegetables to be canned. Today, the United States, France, England, Poland, China and Japan are among the largest producers of carrots.

Benefits of carrots
Benefits of carrots

Composition of carrots

IN carrots are contained large amounts of leticin and pectin.

Carrots are an excellent source of provitamin A. They are a very good source of vitamin C, vitamin K and dietary fiber. 1 cup or 122 g of carrots contains 52, 46 calories, 1.26 g of protein and 0.23 g of fat.

Carrots are also rich in vitamins B1, B2, PP. They contain many enzymes, terpenes, essential oils and minerals - sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iodine, iron. Carrots contain honey and manganese.

Selection and storage of carrots

When the choice of carrots it should be borne in mind that their roots should be firm, smooth, relatively clean and with bright colors. The richer the orange color of the carrot, the higher the beta carotene content. Carrots that are too cracked or soft should be avoided. If carrots are offered without their green tips, the color at the end of the trunk is indicative of their age and those with a fuzzy color should be avoided. Because sugars are concentrated in the core of carrots, generally those with a larger diameter will have a larger core and be sweeter.

To preserve the freshness of carrots it is necessary to reduce the amount of moisture they lose. Therefore, it is necessary to store them in the coldest part of the refrigerator in a plastic bag or wrapped in a paper towel, which will reduce condensation. This way the carrots will stay fresh for about two weeks. They should also be stored away from apples, pears, potatoes and other fruits and vegetables that produce ethylene gas, as it will make them bitter in taste.

Carrot cake
Carrot cake

Photo: Elena Stoychovska

Culinary use of carrots

Carrots are very useful and delicious vegetables that are widely used in cooking. They can be eaten raw, but must first be washed and peeled. Carrots are part of many salads - the most famous of which is the salad of cabbage and carrots. Carrots are put on many vegetable and meat dishes, and their taste is irresistible.

Carrots are also used in a number of freshly squeezed juices - both vegetable and fruit. In the traditionally prepared winter pickles, carrots take an honorable place.

It is most appropriate boil the carrots and stew, as these two culinary methods ensure maximum carotene extraction. Carrot juice can be combined with other vegetable and even fruit juices, which will only enhance and complement its taste.

Extremely suitable combinations with beet juice, apples, oranges, cucumbers, ginger, peppers, tomatoes, spinach, cabbage, parsley and celery. In addition to carrot salad, you can also make a great homemade carrot cake.

Storage of carrots
Storage of carrots

Benefits of carrots

Studies show that foods high in carotenoids reduce the risk of heart disease;

Beta carotene, contained in carrots, helps protect eyesight and especially night vision. Once beta carotene is converted to vitamin A in the liver, it travels to the retina, where it converts it to rhodopsin, a purple pigment needed for night vision.

Carotenoids are also beneficial in terms of optimal health - taking a high dose of carotenoids is associated with a 20% reduction in the risk of breast cancer in postmenopause, as well as up to 50% reduction in the risk of bladder, cervical, cervical cancer, prostate, colon, larynx and esophagus.

Studies show that physiological levels, as well as dietary carotenoids, may be inversely related to insulin resistance and high blood sugar levels.

The content of falcarinol in carrots helps to protect the health of the colon and reduces the risk of cancer;

Studies show that both smokers and passive smokers need to eat foods rich in vitamin A, such as carrots, to maintain their health, as the carcinogen in cigarette smoke called benzo (a) pyrene causes vitamin A deficiency.

Vitamin B helps with good memory and ability to concentrate. It helps the body in the daily fight against stress. Vitamin E is another important ingredient in carrots that fights anemia.

The regular consumption of grated carrots, flavored with butter and cream, as well as carrot juice increase the body's defenses against infections.

The cellulose contained in carrots helps to maintain a slim figure, helps to lose weight and rids the body of harmful toxins.

Vegetables are very useful for diabetics who suffer from vitamin A deficiency. Absolutely all parts of carrots are useful, even green leaves and roots. Carrots differ from other vegetables with their increased content of potassium salts, which are vital for problems with the heart, kidneys and blood vessels.

Fresh Carrots
Fresh Carrots

Beta carotene in carrots has another very important role - it protects the skin from premature aging and protects it from harmful UV radiation. It is absolutely safe because the unused part of it is excreted through the metabolism. In case of sunburn, it is recommended to apply the affected area with a slurry of fresh carrots.

Carrot juice is very useful for children because it supports their mental and physical development. It helps to stimulate the blood supply, protein synthesis and saturates the tissues with enough oxygen.

Folk medicine with carrots

It is believed that freshly squeezed carrot juice is an exceptional remedy in folk medicine. It is believed that one of the causes of allergies is weak immunity, and regular intake of juice helps to strengthen the body's defenses.

In folk medicine, carrot juice is used to relieve skin problems, eye pain and glandular dysfunction. Grated carrot poultice is used for infected wounds and ulcers. In case of diarrhea and bacterial infections, it is recommended to take carrot soup to stop the growth of bacteria.

According to folk beliefs, chewing on carrot color may help with epileptic seizures. Carrots can be used in the form of tea, decoctions, poultices and porridges.

Carrot juice
Carrot juice

Harm from carrots

Excessive consumption of foods rich in carotene, such as carrots, can lead to a condition called carotoderma, in which the palms or other parts of the skin develop a yellow or orange color. Excessive consumption of this type of food can also reduce the body's ability to convert these foods into vitamin A.
