Steak Lovers Are More At Risk For Cancer

Steak Lovers Are More At Risk For Cancer
Steak Lovers Are More At Risk For Cancer

Red meat contains very high levels of iron, which is why it is recommended for anemia and mineral deficiency. However, scientists have expressed doubts that high levels of iron may increase the risk of colon cancer.

Until now, the general opinion was that the benefits of red meat lie in the large amount of creatine it contains. The disadvantages were determined by the quality of the fats they contain.

Red meats are dominated by saturated fats, which increase "bad" cholesterol in the blood. They can also cause problems with the cardiovascular system.

However, it is clear that iron contributes to the development of the disease process through a defective gene in the gut, which usually opposes the disease. Clarifying this pattern can reveal new methods of treating people affected by this defective gene by simply purifying the iron in the gut.

Studies have shown that in addition to iron levels, those susceptible to colon cancer are affected by the APC gene.

When it is damaged, iron intake increases the risk of developing colon cancer by 2 to 3 times. Conversely, when APC is functioning normally, the high concentration of the trace element in the body is not harmful.


Scientists have not yet been able to explain the link between the damaged gene and bowel cancer. The fact is, however, that it is registered in 8 out of 10 cases of the disease. It is important to emphasize that without a damaged gene, even the highest iron levels cannot just cause cancer.

However, when the APC gene does not work, iron accumulates in the cells in the gut. This activates a "key" genetic cancer that stimulates the uncontrolled proliferation of malignant cells.

Red meat contains another ingredient that plays a role in promoting this type of cancer. This is the ingredient heme, which gives the color of red meat. It is thought that it can damage the lining of the colon.

It has also been shown to produce carcinogenic compounds during baking. In the processes of smoking and frying meat from smoke on them also accumulate and activate carcinogens responsible for cancer.
