Is Salt Harmful?

Is Salt Harmful?
Is Salt Harmful?

Is salt harmful, how much can overdoing it harm us, what are the permissible norms for a day? These are all questions that the most popular spice in the kitchen continues to raise.

What is salt?

It is a mineral that has aroused interest since ancient times, when it was called the yeast of life or the white death. The substance renin, which contains salt, causes capillary spasms and high blood pressure. And this can lead to stroke and heart attack. Therefore, the daily intake should be well dosed.

What is the recommended daily allowance?

Pink salt
Pink salt

Measuring and weighing the right amount of salt a day does not stop. The permissible and recommended quantities are constantly changing. A few years ago it was 1 teaspoon per day, which means 5-6 grams. According to the World Health Organization, however, this dose is high, it should not exceed 3 grams. This is especially true for those suffering from hypertension.

In fact, most of these 3 grams are obtained through other foods consumed - meat, bread, fish, vegetables. That is why calls are being heard more and more often salt should be avoided at all. However, there are other opinions: that the refusal of salt is an incorrect and even inadmissible move.

Harms and benefits of salt for the body


Salt gives food a taste, and that's for sure. It also has useful functions for physiology. It maintains and regulates water balance when we use it in our food. Sodium chloride supports the work of cells. Sodium chloride deficiency may cause nerve impulse disturbances as well as decreased insulin. The kidneys react very dangerously to sodium deficiency. They increase the release of renin, which leads to high blood pressure. Stroke and heart attack are possible consequences in such a case.

Excess salt it also has serious consequences. One of them is fluid retention in the body. And severe results include coronary heart disease and hypertension. When hypertensive crises occur, switch to a completely salt-free diet to normalize blood pressure. Excess salt is also harmful to the eyes. The risk of cataracts increases.

What amounts of salt should we use?

Fast Food
Fast Food

It is best to stick to the average doses, they are the most reasonable. It is good to avoid salted products such as chips, snacks, roasted nuts or seeds. Foods known as fast food are not a good idea.

Use only iodized salt. It is especially important for children. This avoids diseases caused by iodine deficiency. Dietary salt is suitable for people with osteochondrosis. It is enriched with potassium and magnesium.
