Products For Unloading Days

Products For Unloading Days
Products For Unloading Days

The complicated diet is like a jealous lover - he does not forgive infidelity. It is enough to return briefly to your old diet and the weight returns.

Many nutritionists recommend unloading days once or twice a week - they lose weight, the body is cleansed, and the lost does not return.

The most important thing is to choose such products that you love, so that you enjoy consuming them and so that you do not feel the lack of something delicious.

The most popular unloading day is the milk day. However, this is only yogurt, which can be consumed both with a spoon and in the form of kefir.

Products for unloading days
Products for unloading days

Yogurt improves digestion, removes the feeling of heaviness in the stomach, improves complexion, discards the end products of fat metabolism.

The positive effect is felt after an hour - during this time more than ninety percent of yogurt is absorbed. Divide four cups of yogurt into six or eight servings.

Apple unloading day is useful because apples contain many stimulants of metabolism - vitamins C, B1, B2, P, E, carotene, potassium, iron, organic acids, cellulose and pectin.

Buy two kilograms of sour apples, sweets are more caloric. Eat them raw or baked with some raisins for sweetening. Drink five glasses of apple juice.

Cucumbers are ideal for unloading day, as they consist of ninety-five percent water, not ordinary, but water that matches the composition of the intracellular fluid.

Cucumbers activate the metabolism because they contain potassium, folic acid, B vitamins. Cucumbers expel excess fluid from the body. In one day you eat cucumbers, you can lose a pound and a half.
