Have Breakfast Regularly With Bran To Stay In Top Shape

Have Breakfast Regularly With Bran To Stay In Top Shape
Have Breakfast Regularly With Bran To Stay In Top Shape

The bran are the outer layer of grains such as rice, oats and wheat, and this outer layer is usually removed during the grinding process to obtain a smoother and whiter product. Whenever fiber-rich bran and vitamin-rich germs remain on the grain, it is called whole grain.

Bran is a rich source of insoluble fiber, niacin and other B vitamins, iron and minerals. They are excellent for fighting constipation and other digestive and intestinal problems. And because they help prevent constipation, bran can also be useful for people suffering from hemorrhoids.

Oat bran and rice bran help lower blood cholesterol levels. When consumed regularly, they help reduce total cholesterol levels by 25% or more in a very short period of time (one to three months). They support the feeling of fullness, which can lead to weight loss.


As bran absorbs water, it contributes to the feeling of fullness in the stomach, which can help people eat less and therefore lose weight. They can reduce the risk of colon cancer by reducing the time it takes for stool to pass through the intestines.

Improve glucose metabolism in people with diabetes. Bran also contains protein. It provides muscle strength and helps them heal after a hard workout.


Bran and whole grains are high in magnesium. Magnesium is an essential mineral needed by the body for good muscle and nerve function, maintaining a healthy immune system, regulating heart rate and building strong bones.

Other benefits of using magnesium include reducing the risk of heart disease, regulating blood pressure and relieving premenstrual syndrome. It is a great source of folate (vitamin B9), which is needed for many body functions, including DNA synthesis and repair, cell division and cell growth. This makes them indispensable for pregnant women.

Good digestion
Good digestion

Bran is also a serious source of manganese. It is required by the body for the proper functioning of enzymes, absorption of nutrients, wound healing and bone development.

Unsuspectedly useful and often overlooked, bran with its enviable qualities must take its place on our table if we want to be healthy and strong.
