The Traditional Dishes For The Great Mother Of God

The Traditional Dishes For The Great Mother Of God
The Traditional Dishes For The Great Mother Of God

The Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary unites both Catholics and Orthodox Christians.

On this day the Mother of God is honored - the patroness of motherhood and the family hearth.

According to an old custom, sacrifices are made for health and fertility and against diseases and misfortunes.

The holiday is also called Assumption of the Virginfor on this day in Jerusalem the mother of Christ dies.

On this day, a special table is prepared, which includes necessarily lit bread.

Traditionally, the dishes should include boiled wheat, chicken porridge, pumpkin and corn.

Of the fruits, watermelon and grapes should be present.

Believers donate candles, home-woven cloth, meat and money to the church.

If you make a sacrifice, it must be a lamb. His idea is for people to be pardoned and to live in peace and understanding. After him a family meeting is held.

It is believed that if it rains on this day, next year will be fertile.

From August 15 to September 8 (Little Mother of God - celebrates the birth of the Mother of Christ) women are forbidden to sew, knit or weave to keep the whole family healthy.

On the Assumption of the Mother of God the wheat from the new harvest is ground.

The Great Mother of God is one of the 12 largest Christian holidays and is celebrated in many places as a patron saint's day.
