We Challenge You! Cook One Of These Recipes With Beef Kidneys

We Challenge You! Cook One Of These Recipes With Beef Kidneys
We Challenge You! Cook One Of These Recipes With Beef Kidneys

The preparation of beef kidneys it is no longer as popular as it was in our grandmothers' time, but it is a good way to diversify our menu. You will find it difficult to sell beef kidneys in the shops, but if you have acquaintances who keep animals in the villages, you will be able to get the desired amount.

There is no philosophy in the preparation of beef broths, but it is important to know that they, like any other meat, must be well washed, and if you are going to fry them, you can also dry them so that they do not spray as much fat. Here are 2 dishes you can prepare with beef kidneys.

Beef kidney kavarma

Necessary products: 4 pcs. beef kidneys, 3 cloves garlic, 3 tbsp. flour, 4 tbsp. oil, 1 tsp. red pepper, salt and pepper to taste

Method of preparation: The kidneys are washed well and put in boiling salted water together with the garlic cloves. Reduce heat and cook until soft. They are taken out and arranged in the dish in which they will be served.

Separately, make a sauce from the fried flour and red pepper in the fat, which is diluted with the broth in which the kidneys are boiling, and left to boil for about 10 minutes. Once it is ready, season with salt and pepper and pour. on sliced kidneys.

Pop stew of beef kidneys


Necessary products: 500 g beef kidneys, 6 tbsp. oil, 4 onions, 1 tbsp. flour, 1 tbsp tomato sauce, 4 tomatoes, 1 tsp. white wine, 6 cloves garlic, 1 bay leaf, salt and pepper to taste

Method of preparation: The kidneys are washed, dried, salted and stewed in fat to which a little water has been added. Once they start to fry, take them out, and in the same fat put them to fry the sliced onion together with the flour and red pepper, being careful not to burn it.

Add the tomato sauce and peeled and diced tomatoes. Mix everything very well and add a little water and wine to slightly dilute the sauce. Put the chopped kidneys, garlic cloves, bay leaf, peppercorns and season the dish with salt. Allow to simmer until the products are fully cooked.
