How To Satisfy Hunger For Carbohydrates And Sugars

How To Satisfy Hunger For Carbohydrates And Sugars
How To Satisfy Hunger For Carbohydrates And Sugars

The irresistible desire for food is familiar to many people. Sometimes it is so strong that there is no other way to deal with it than to please our body. Most often strongly associated with similar desired sugars and with fast carbohydrates.

The reason - sweet things release the hormones of happiness, dopamine and serotonin, which make us feel satisfied. In some cases, however, this indulgence can become a habit that has long-term consequences.

Satisfying hunger for sweets and carbohydrates it can lead to overweight, ruin our diet, and cause real health damage to those suffering from endocrine diseases, such as a sharp jump or drop in blood sugar levels. Fortunately, there are many mechanisms through which to deal with the indomitable appetite for sugars.

Drink water often

One of them is drinking water. The reason is that in some cases our body sends confusing signals to the brain. So often thirst can be confused with hunger. If you suddenly have a strong craving for jam or carbohydrates, drink a glass of water first. Chances are that in a few minutes everything will pass.


Exercise against hunger for carbohydrates and sugars
Exercise against hunger for carbohydrates and sugars

A 15-minute walk is effective for such cuts and harmful dietary desires. The benefits were proven by a large-scale study in 2015. And in the long run, active training helps the hormonal balance of our body.

A piece of fruit instead of candy

In a sharp episode of hunger for sweets or carbohydrates offer your body another food. Ask yourself if you would eat a piece of fruit, for example. If yes, you're probably just hungry. In this case, just eat a quality and complete menu, instead of rushing to a large amount of carbohydrates.

Don't starve

Eat healthy snacks against hunger for jam and sugar
Eat healthy snacks against hunger for jam and sugar

Photo: Veselina Di

And in this line of thought - definitely do not allow yourself to reach a state of insurmountable hunger or the moment when you feel sick from lack of food. Lack of time is no excuse. Always try to carry healthy snacks and snacks that you can even eat on foot. You can carry a small box of chopped vegetables, a packet of raw nuts, 2 fruits, a home-made energy bar or a healthy sandwich. This way, your body will not be looking for quick energy to get what it lost.

More protein

Try to eat more protein. It has long been proven that consuming more protein leads to a longer feeling of satiety in the body. In the long run, with a well-balanced diet high in protein, these episodes will disappear completely. Good sources of protein are all meats, fish, eggs, nuts.

Overcome stress

Overcome stress so you don't run into sugar and carbs
Overcome stress so you don't run into sugar and carbs

In some cases the strong hunger for jam and carbohydrates due to stress. As we have already explained, when we consume fast carbohydrates, our body releases hormones, which then make our brain feel satisfied. Instead of eating uncontrollably, try yoga, meditation or other activities that calm you down.

Numbers with sweet gum

In case you can't handle it in any way, try this last option: chew sweet gum. Such are the gums are children and all others with a fruity taste. That's probably will deceive your brainthat he ate, and the sweet taste will satisfy your desire for sugar and carbohydrates, but without excess calories.
